Access a pure source of independent capital.

Put your clients first. Grow your business. Exit with integrity.

We exist for a very simple reason

We’re here to enable ownership succession between independently minded financial advice firms in the UK. We make it possible for owners to sell their businesses to like-minded firms in a way that puts their clients first and provides them with a fair value for their business. If you own or manage a UK-based financial advice firm and are considering selling or growing your business, then you’ve come to the right place.

Who are you?

Are you an owner (or manager) of a UK-based, independently minded financial advice firm? Are you looking to balance the interest of your clients, with your situation and that of your team? Are you trying to create an ownership transition that honours the long term commitments you’ve made to your clients?

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Who are we?

Our firm is operated by a team with experience in the financial planning field, as financial planners and matchmakers. Led by Matt Marais, a Certified Financial Planner and former financial adviser, we have been involved in IFA deals of all shapes and sizes. We understand what makes these deals work to the benefit of all parties, including clients and staff.

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How can we help?

We provide independent loan capital to enable advice firm owners to sell their businesses to like-minded firms, or their internal team. We appreciate that every situation is unique and so flexibility is important. We customise our terms so both parties are able to conclude a deal, with minimal compromise.

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What do we do?

We provide independent capital in the form of bespoke business loans for single or multiple acquisitions.

We provide capital to help facilitate the sale and purchase of advice firms. Our capital is completely independent which means that all we require of borrowers is that they do right by the clients and staff of the target firm. We provide facilities for one-off or multiple transactions and we can provide capital in tranches to suit the agreed deal structure. Capital is raised at the outset of the deal and all parties have security that all deferred payments are available.

Our expert team has significant experience in this space, not to mention the provision of debt facilities to owner-operated businesses. We understand the complexities of these transactions and while we require business plans and financial forecasts, we only ask for what we really need to make a decision.

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Read our blog

We only write when we have something to say that we genuinely feel will be of interest. Below is a sample of our latest thoughts.

Assessing Value

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IFA owners, look up!

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Companies we’ve helped

We haven’t been around for that long, but we’ve already made an impression on some leading lights in the financial advice market.